Skin cells renew every 2 weeks. Stomach cells last 5 days. Neurons stay with us our whole lives but even they, with time, will fade.

The term "ego death" in psychedelic spheres is at best, misunderstood, and at worst, an excuse for irresponsible behavior. At most, psychedelics let the user play with the ego.

Great read as always Rey!

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I both agree and disagree re: psychedelics. For many, it's ego play, but I've also seen them do amazing things for depression and PTSD, when used with intention and guidance

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Hey, I agree that psychedelics can do lots of good. They have for me. Weirdly, a lot of that good was on bad trips, but it took time for me to figure it out. Intention and guidance are key.

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Also, regarding names - I actually did change my name (both first and last) from my birth name, back when I was 31. In one sense because I felt like a different "self" (after some experiences that fit into the 270 degree area of the Buddhist circle - the paranormal stuff), but moreso to have a continual reminder of the decision I'd made regarding what would be the guiding north star for my life - similar to a new Buddhist taking precepts, I suppose.

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"The self is not the agent behind action; the sense of self is the product of action." You have such a unique way with words, Rey, particularly when distilling confusing points of philosophy. This clarifies so well what I've been circling re: infinite deaths and rebirths within a single human lifetime.

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